
Discussions andyth has started

A streaming setup that competes with my CD and turntable set up?240110
Finally good again - modding my Cayin 50t51801
116v from the wall socket?84676
help with a tubed integrated or pre / amp combo44727
Cayin 50t and capacitor suggestions41481
jj 6922 vs jj 6922 gold pins29253
speakers to match with Cayin A50t45571
Forced mod of Engergy V2.3 - suggestions?25595
Cayin A50-t and tube rolling22720
Just changed component stands - how to modify soun27654
Bottlehead Seduction and tube rolling help70147
Which wood and design for diy monitor stands?951110
phono pre amp giant killer?2183332
budget phono pre question37036
Peachree decco and linn tukan?35895