Cartridge Upgrade for NAD 533

Hi Everyone!

Have a Music Hall MMF-9 at home with which I am very happy. It has the Goldring Eroica cartridge and I have it hooked up to a Jolida J9 tube preamp.

Got a used NAD 533 as a second table for work. It is hooked up to a Bellari VP129 which feeds into an Onix Sp-3 integrated tube amp. The arm is the RB250 that comes with Rega tables and the current cartridge is a Grado Black.

Can you suggest a cartridge upgrade that would improve the sound? My speakers are Advent classics (large). I'd be willing to spend about $200.00.

Thanks in advance.
Never heard the DL-160, but I did not like the sound of the DL-103. I ended up replacing it with a $99 Ortofon 2M Red. For $200 you can get the 2M Blue which is one step up, and may be a slightly better match for the RB250 tonearm. The 2M Red has a very open, smooth sound. Plus, the higher output of the Ortofon 2M series would be a better match for the Bellari.