Has anyone heard the VPI Classic yet

They were supposed to be shipping soon. Has anyone purchased this table yet?
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I have now had the "Classic" for several months. my previous table was an HR-X. I needed a table with a smaller footprint and started researching. I ended up with this table on kind of a "what the heck, let's give it a try until I figure out what I really want" basis. Mine is the stock table -- (there is also an option for a fully stainless steel arm which I have not tried. It takes a coule of weeks to break in the mechanical parts and the tonearm cable.

All I can say is "Wow!". This table is the best I have heard in my system. I know you guys are going to think I am crazy but it easily beat the HR-X, side by side, in my system. It just has a musicality that the HR-X couldn't quite match. I would say that the HR-X was on the cool side of neutral whereas the "classic" was on the neutral side of neutral but incredibly musical. It just makes me want to listen longer. It's hard to believe that you can get this kind of sound for $2500.

So far, the only "upgrades" I have made was to get rid of the plastic screw down clamp (I always end up breaking the threads on these things) and replacing with the Centerweight that was on the HR-X. This did not make any difference sonically but had a better ease of use factor. The second was that I added an Iron Audio turntable mat. This made some sonic difference to the positive (not allot though). I did notice that I had slightly less static in the system and on the records with the mat though. In the end, the turntable sounds excellent with or without it.

Another interesting find was that of the cartridges I tried (Air Tight,Denon,Shelter,Lyra) the Lyra Skala proved to be an excellent match for this turntable. Not sure why but there is some real synergy there. The Skala is a great cartridge on any table, but with the classic, it really sings. I have owned several Lyra carts. There is allot to like about them but most have sounded just a little brite and lean to me. The Skala is an exception and very unique in the Lyra line. It has all the detail and extention of the other lyra carts without ever being "in your face" or harsh. It then adds something I had not heard from Lyras before....body and warmth. For me it is an extreemly well balanced performer.

Anyway...anyone looking at a VPI Classic is definitely looking in the right place- IMHO!!
On the Cartridge question---My two favorites were the Lyra Skala and Denon 103R. The Skala is AMAZING with this TT but on a price to performance basis, the Denon 103R is tough to beat.
wow-thanks for sharing the experience kckennedy. That is quite something , so cheap and so much performance out of it competing with its older brethen the HRX.
It looks like a winner going down the lane.
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