Has anyone heard the VPI Classic yet

They were supposed to be shipping soon. Has anyone purchased this table yet?
I use a grado reference cart and an audio research ph-3 phono amp. Also, I had the cart before buying the Classic so I didn't audition any other ones with it.
Sorry...that's because the article was first released to Golden Ear Club (GEC) members of AVGuide.com and I didn't realize that as I am a GEC member. It will be released for widespread viewing I think in a week's time I believe is the timing. So it should show up on the site shortly.
Update on my VPI Classic, today, I removed damping fluid from the arm (it was placed there initially when my TT was set up by my local dealer). It was interesting. Without any damping fluid, the bass was not nearly as deep or powerful, ,not as black background but at the same time, mid and high seemed more alive, more air and not so subdue. The missing fun and musical factor that I was complaining about in comparison from my old Blue Note Piccolo was much less obvious. I imagine that if I could find a right amount of fluid where bass is better controlled and less noisy but at the same time, keeping the mid/high not so well damped!, this would be really great. I suppose it just goes to show that the Classic is incredibly sensitive to just about everything.