5 most recognizable voices in American music?

While watching CNNs Larry King interview Johnny Cash a few days ago, I commented to my wife that Johnny Cash probably has one of the five most recognizable voices in American music today. My wife agreed and then asked "Well who are the other four?" After some discussion, we came up with our nominations (in no particular order):

Johnny Cash
Elvis Presley
Ray Charles
Barbra Streisand
Louie Armstrong

This question probably assumes that the singer is quite famous and that their music has been around quite awhile-- or they became really famous really fast. We'd be interested in knowing what other A'Gon members think about these five, or others you would nominate instead for this "top five"? Thanks. Craig
Ok then but Billy Corgan sounds British!
He does a bit, like that Zwan album though.
Neil Young has an instantly recognizable voice. But then, he's a Canadian. So does he count?

Billy Corgan's a good one though. Still, I was a huge pumpkins fan and even then his voice was a bit grating.

You want grating? Isaak Brock of Modest Mouse. That's some good stuff though. His voice works perfectly with their sound. Too bad about their drummer. He was an integral part of that band.

Well, did I get off topic enough?
Frank Sinatra
Willie Nelson
Michael Jackson
Aretha Franklin
Sorry Johnny you may be 6th

Doctor John
Bonnie Raitt
Nat King Cole
Billy Joel

If you recognize Barbara Streisand's voice, you're spending too much time on the elevator or at Democratic fundraisers.