New member w a Cleaning Question

Hi all,

I just joined the forum, having just gotten back into vinyl recently. I just got a project debut, and lucked into some ECMs at a store close out, so I'm pretty happy. Many of my newly acquired and older reords need cleaning, thoguh, and that's where I need some help. I've been told and have read that the only proper way to clean them is w a vacuum RCM, but am not at that point yet in terms of spending. SO I was wondering if there's any point in using a cleaning fluid like Audio Intelligent which purports being useable as a hand cleaning (i.e. no vacuum) solution, or will the crud just stay on the record, just maybe move places? Thanks, and I'll probably have more questions later on.

I second the KAB EV-1. Been using it for over a year, and I think it represents an excellent cost/value ratio. I buy most of my vinyl used at shows and thrift shops, so cleaning is extremely important.

Also, do not underestimate the importance of the cartridge/stylus. I recently upgraded my Ortofon Super OM-10 to an OM-30. The improved stylus shape does a lot to minimize noise on records. I guess it just gets deeper into the grooves.
I use the AI products.
I had always been hand cleaning using Disc Dr brushes and micro-fiber towels with what I thought were V good results.
Recently, I purchased a VPI 16.5 here, and can hardly believe the difference. IME, vacuuming has made a significant improvement in the SQ of all my LP's, used, filthy dirty used and even new sealed.
Agree with virtually everything said as to the value of a RCM for sonics and vinyl longevity. If you own a large collection of LPs you'll eventually want some type of motorized machine to help reduce the drudgery, but until that time just cut a slot in your home vacuum's crevice tool and glue on the felt strips-or, there's all sorts of diy examples of RCMs all over the web. You don't need to spend much if you're determined and creative.
Agree with NRENTER that a shop vac and strip of velvet will work nicely. Not as convienient as the automatics, but it is very effective. The use of a steamer, good cleaning fluid (can be home made or purchased) and lots of good clean water for rinsing, and you will be surprised at how good a used 40 year old record will sound. My RCM cost me about 40 dollars and it works very well. If you already have a shop vac, then your pennies away from cleaning records. If you go to a thrift shop and pick up a broken old dd or belt table for about 10 dollars, you have a stable platform to mount your records and spin while you clean, steam or vac.