Well Tempered Amadeus

I am curious if anyone has heard this turntable/arm combo? The reviews I have read are practically over the top with praise using terms such as nearly perfect, can't be beat for the price etc... If anyone has heard it, how might it compare to say the Scoutmaster.

Hi Guys,

The GT version of the Amadeus has actually preceded the release of a Dynavector version. In fact, I just sold the sole example (I believe) in the USA of the GT on Sunday. But I believe that several of these have been sold around the world over the past year.

This is the model with the acrylic plinth and is the same as the Dynavector model that has been shown with just different tonearm fitments.

In other words, the standard Amadeus and GT would look exactly the same save for the different plinth material; painted Baltic birch versus black acrylic sheet.

This list price for the standard Amadeus is $2850 and the GT is $3650.

The Dynavector version of the GT is only a prototype at this point. There have been no plans announced to put it on the market that I know of.

I haven't heard both Amadeus turntables, nor have I heard the Dynavector version, but I may get the chance on Tuesday. I think it is likely that they will all sound a little different, but I think that what is 'better' would be a personal preference decision.

Charlie, have you heard any of the versions other than the standard Amadeus? And yes, I am enjoying it. It seems like a comparitive bargain in the turntable market.

Now, I'll throw a wrench in the whole thing with the description by telling everyone that it is reasonably likely that there will be some changes in all models when the next batch arrives here during the summer.

I won't go into a discussion about the possible changes that have been thrown around so far, but I will say that they may manifest themselves more in terms of looks than in performance. I won't say more because I've learned that you don't really know what you've got until they're here and the first box is opened. At that point I can give you an honest, accurate answer.

I hope that this information helps.

Jim Pendleton
Osage Audio Products, LLC
Hi Guys,

I do need to make one correction. The plinth of the Amadeus is not Baltic birch. It is Medite. They had intended early on to use Baltic birch, but the decision was made to change that before production began. Unfortunately the literature describing the turntable was not changed.

Sorry for contributing to the confusion.

Jim Pendleton
Osage Audio Products, LLC
Hi Jim!
I'm not confused, I'm just enjoying the table.
Oh, and nothing against the dynavector arm, I just want the whole Firebaugh experience as he designed it. I used to have the WT Classic and then the WT Ref. And now with the Amadeus, you hear the culmination of his ideas, and I just love it. It totally surpasses tables I've heard. And it doesn't matter the finish--the table itself, and the sound of the table, is the same.

There is no doubt that the WTL arm is much easier to use than the Dynavector is. The fact that Firebaugh has done such a good job of addressing resonance problems with the standard Amadeus has made it competitive in that respect with more expensive designs.

Jim Pendleton
Osage Audio Products, LLC
Maybe the DV 500 version is not on sale in the US yet, but Dynavector Japan is listing it as an available product:
