Well Tempered Amadeus

I am curious if anyone has heard this turntable/arm combo? The reviews I have read are practically over the top with praise using terms such as nearly perfect, can't be beat for the price etc... If anyone has heard it, how might it compare to say the Scoutmaster.

Hi Chashas1,I have one more set up question,did you set Overhang(i saw the Well tempered blog ,and they say the 'overhang' is 0.5 inches but i can't adjust that)?or just set the cartridge parallel to the lines on the protractor is Ok?thanks
I have no firsthand experience, Samtse, but I've read a good deal about the Amadeus, and from what I understand, you're not supposed to align the cartridge in the traditional sense. Rather, you just affix the cartridge to the fixed headshell. No adjustment is advised. Is this not the case?