Raven One Motor Noise Problem

I've just received my Raven One and have not played an LP because I'm waiting to get my amp back from CJ.

When it's quiet in my room, I can hear the motor when standing in front of the TT at 33rpm...Not noisy but audible. When I switch the speed to 45rpm it's dead silent but the noise comes back switching to 33.

Has anyone experienced this with their Raven?

I just read your post. It sounds like you have your motor on the Stillpoints. The Stillpoints are to go only under the turntable. Please clarify. The motor should have adjustable feet that allow you to balance the motor perfectly and have rubber. If you place the motor on stillpoints of course you will have some vibration. A motor needs to be on a fixed mount.
Hi Dgad...

No, the TT has three OEM Stillpoint feet under it's base with one foot being under the motor. The motor is not separate from the base like the Raven Two. The feet have changed during the history of the Raven One, these being a Stillpoint variation without the normal ceramic bearing as the point.

The table with the Stillpoint feet sits on a slate platform that is one of the recommended platforms for this table. The feet are adjusted just slightly loose which is a recommendation from some Raven owners as well as the Stillpoint manufacturer.

The manufacturer of the table is questioning if the sound is coming form the motor since the Vibrapod I placed under the foot removes the noise.

I am trying to ascertain if the sound is from the motor or perhaps a resonation caused by an interaction between the motor-foot-platform.
i do not own a raven, but can speak to you as a consumer of high end who has been burned years ago with a goldmund studio table. it cost a fortune...had a problem.....rather than immediately exhanging, i accepted a repair, which began a long string of repairs and adjustments. when there's a problem 'out of the box' with any expensive high end piece, do not shoulder it yourself. its not you paid for....good luck.