Record Sleeve Recommendation

Any useful recommendation regarding record sleeves?

I've read the MOFI's can snag and the generic polylined sleeves leave a small portion of the record exposed....

I really like the poly lined square paper sleeves the best. I just received another 100 of them from Acoustic Sounds this morning. These are the ones that leave a small opening on the top, BUT, I have NEVER had a problem with any records getting scratched or damaged or even smudged.

They go in and out of the record jacket very easily without bending. Also the record goes in and out of this sleeve quite nicely. Most of the exposed record is the "lip" or lead-in groove that has nothing on it.

I have used thousands of these and wouldn't use anything else...
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The only record sleeves I would now purchase are the Mobile Fidelity (inner) sleeves. They are more expensive but they work as intended and the quality control tends to be more consistent than sleeves from other sources.

The poly-lined paper sleeves from Acoustic Sounds do leave the record exposed to contaminants from the record jacket. I've had dust/paper bits/etc. from older record jackets end up on the exposed portion of the LP. After spending a lot of time and trouble to clean them and protect them, I'm not willing to have the cleaned LPs subjected to contamination just because the sleeve wasn't designed properly. If they fix the design and manufacture so that the LP is fully covered the sleeves would be excellent for the money.

I no longer order any sleeves from other sources or manufacturers due to poor design or inconsistent quality control. If someone finds a source other than Mobile Fidelity that has a well designed sleeve and consistent quality control, I'd be willing to give them a try.

I too use the MoFi sleeves. I have never had a problem with them. Bought in large quantities, the price seems reasonable.
The poly lined sleeves tend to leave "wipe" marks on the surface of the record and are more prone to static.