Seeking turntable upgrade advice

My current table is a Scoutmaster with JMW9 sig tonearm and all the typical VPI upgrades; my cartridge is a Dynavector XV-1s.

I have been considering an SME table (and possibly a SME V arm) but I like the concept of adjusting VTA on the fly. Between that and wanting to use a Mint tractor (I understand SME arms complicate the measurements required to get a Mint), I decided to get a Tri-planar arm instead.

So, what’s a good table to go with a Tri-planar and XV-1s? Would an SME still be a good candidate? What about an Amazon Reference? Anything else?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the reply, Doug.

The reason I was considering a 265 is because I know someone who is selling one used. However, I have followed up on Ebm's suggestion to contact Highwater Sound and I was extremely impressed with Jef. I'm thinking that seeking out a TW Acustic Raven One may be a better overall purchase.

(thanks, Ebm!)
Might I suggest a trip to NYC to audition the TW tables? I'm doing that in just a couple weeks. Jeff is very helpful with your needs. Don't write off a trip to Boulder to listen to the Galibiers( and Teres if you wish). I'm doing that as well. Judging from the components you've tried, I'd guess budget is not the problem for you that it is for most. You owe it to yourself(and the makers of these great tables)to be patient and hear them out. As an example, my timetable is 4th quarter 2009. In the end, you'll find what you like and get off the merry-go-round.
I might be close minded here, but I'm not convinced that you can compare tables when they're in completely different rooms and systems. How much of the character of what you're hearing is the table versus other components including cartridge etc. I wouldn't be able to process all that.

I really like hearing and getting to know a component in my own system.

I took the plunge and purchased a TW Acustic. I'm confident that I'll be getting a good table and I should be satisfied given it'll be a serious upgrade from what I'm currently listening to. The bonus is that I'll have it very soon and have great dealer support.
Madfloyd said, "Having changed every component in the past 3 months (including cabling, power conditioning) it’s resolving to the point that I can finally hear differences in cables and......."


"I might be close minded here, but I'm not convinced that you can compare tables when they're in completely different rooms and systems. How much of the character of what you're hearing is the table versus other components including cartridge etc. I wouldn't be able to process all that."

Isn't that what you just did at home?

My guess is that you could spend a million dollars on a turntable and you could not get it to sound good.

Good luck with the new table which one did you get. I know you will love turntable and HIGHWATER SOUND 5 STAR SERVICE AND ADVICE!! Again good luck be well .