VPI JMW setup

I finally decided to get a "big boy" tonearm and retire the Rega, I ended up choosing a JMW9 mem for my HW-19 and am extremly pleased with my decision. Unlike with the rega, I can get about 90% "there" with the jmw in about an hour. Its that last little bit of detail I can't eek out of the jmw that I'm inquiring about. I'm using a grado reference platinum with a 2.5 gram headshell weight like vpi recommends, with harmonic tech crystal silver phono cables and a krell kpe standard. Does anyone have any observations or tricks they could share to save me some time with setup.


Creativepart, what did you use as your spindle to pivot distance? I started at 223mm and moved in to 222mm and noticed an inprovement. additionally I had noticed a wobble or a lateral bounce from side to side as the cartridge tracked. I added weight via stainless cartridge weights that are a part of my Souther sl-3 setup and set vtf back to where it was before and noticed the wobble disappeared, the image stabilized and overal tracking was improved. Where can I find info on this mint protractor?
The actual stp distance is 222.8. So, you're fine either way. 222 is the accepted distance. There is a guy KWILIS on the Vinyl Asylum that creates really nice protractors for $50. He just did one for me and it's great.

As for the wobble, That sounds like a LP pressed off center not a cart problem. I've never noticed this.

Do you have an accurate VTF gauge? And, is it calibrated. I use one of those digitals that you get on A'gon for $50 but are sold at Music Direct for $130 and it works great. But it got out of calibration and I didn't realize it. I kept having cart problems and finally I double checked the VTF and found the problem. Easily fixed.

I shoot for my tonearm to be pretty much level when setting VTA, but some carts will want the tail up and some others will want the tail down. But I'm not a big believer in this needing obsessive attention.

Getting my azimuth more or less set has made the biggest improvement in my sound.
Creativepart, what cart do you use and what is the recommended vtf? I obsessively adjusted the azimuth after my last alignment and it is a major difference being dead on. I think stinggreen is preaching the truth as well. The VPI tractor is good, but not precise enough to hit the bulls eye. I think I may find myself looking more closely at the mint tractor as alternative to the VPI.
$110 for the mintLP protractor is a lot of money, but not so much when you consider the gear you are working with. I'm certainly no analog expert, but the mintLP was the first protractor I've used that didn't leave me wondering whether I really got it right. And the improvement I heard confirmed it.

Now, if Yip could come up with something for azimuth, I'd really be in heaven. I still haven't come up with a way to really dial it in. I guess WallyTools would work, but it's hard to get in touch with that guy.
