Dear Nandric, many quote marks indeed........
I am constantly puzzled how many people do react so anoyed if they are confronted with the pursuit for perfection in technical parameters.
As for the FR-64s I have already made enough comments and already gave the correct and optimzed mounting distance.
Anyone NOT interested in getting the tonearm/stylus geometry as close to perfection as possible has a very good option:
in 1982 the - soon to be history again - audio CD was invented.
This was made for all those countless numbers of music connaisseurs whose smallest unit is the 1mm (which is several hundered times larger than the polished contact area of your stylus).
If you try (try....) to get the perfect geometry, you will not end in the asylum, but maybe end up with no distortion in analog playback and just the sonic results the audio press always promised you.
Leave it to try-and-error is certainly not the way to align a mechanical device.
But - sorry to have created pains in your old wounds with math (also I do not really recall having given any formulas regarding tonearm geometry - I was just displaying geometrical aspects.
BTW - Kessler and Pisha weren't all that correct in their article either and had relativeted most of their "findings" in later years.
I am constantly puzzled how many people do react so anoyed if they are confronted with the pursuit for perfection in technical parameters.
As for the FR-64s I have already made enough comments and already gave the correct and optimzed mounting distance.
Anyone NOT interested in getting the tonearm/stylus geometry as close to perfection as possible has a very good option:
in 1982 the - soon to be history again - audio CD was invented.
This was made for all those countless numbers of music connaisseurs whose smallest unit is the 1mm (which is several hundered times larger than the polished contact area of your stylus).
If you try (try....) to get the perfect geometry, you will not end in the asylum, but maybe end up with no distortion in analog playback and just the sonic results the audio press always promised you.
Leave it to try-and-error is certainly not the way to align a mechanical device.
But - sorry to have created pains in your old wounds with math (also I do not really recall having given any formulas regarding tonearm geometry - I was just displaying geometrical aspects.
BTW - Kessler and Pisha weren't all that correct in their article either and had relativeted most of their "findings" in later years.