Asynch USB or super clock thru S/PDIF for $3.5k?

I posted this over at computeraudiophile, but got very little feedback, so I'm trying here. Looking for input from experienced users regarding sound quality of these two approaches. Right now I only have a SB Touch, but I'm considering a computer with external hard drive and a DAC:

Approach 1: Asynch USB. Wavelength Cosecant or Ayre QB9. About $3.5k. Just one input. Until I get a dedicated computer I would need to mod the Touch to output thru USB.

Approach 2: Super clock thru S/PDIF. PC to Offramp 4 w/Turboclock to Bryston BDA-1. About $3.5k too. More pieces in the chain, and more power cords and IC. Steve Nugent is a big supporter of this approach and says the DAC matters less IF you have a VERY good clock upstream. Initially I would use the Touch with the BDA1, then get the PC + Offramp.

All these DACs have discrete analog sections and all are very well thought of. My preferences are for soundstaging, 3D imaging, naturalness of the presentation and articulate, deep bass. FWIW, preamp is Lamm LL2 so I can only connect through RCAs. Amp is McIntosh MC275 (tubed).

Thank you!

Sorry, I don't get your point. I'm sure you would rather sell them your $4,000 DAC, but if someone can't afford your more expensive offerings you recommend they buy something from you that doesn't cost as much. Either way you are promoting your own products and getting free advertising.

Thanks all for the input. It's giving me food for thought.

Sandstone: Unfortunately I cannot audition as I live in Argentina and these pieces aren't available here. So it's down to an educated guess! I realize these are all good DACs. Maybe the tubed Cosecant is too much of a good thing with my tubed pre and amp. Have you been able to compare your QB9 against other DACs? I would be interested in your findings. I won't be able to run it balanced, as my pre only has RCAs.

Herman: I realize Steve is likely to be skewed towards his products. It's only natural for any designer to do so. I've actually exchanged e-mails with Steve and value his input, and have also told him when I thought he was a little off. Have also exchanged with Gordon and also value his input. But then I seek for user's input as less biased point of view. But when someone providing that feedback goes "Duh", like if I were retarded...that I find a little off too.

Anyway, all feedback is appreciated. Anyone else?


It wasn't "duh, you are retarded" it was "duh, you are stating the obvious."

Sorry if you took offense.

Lewinskih01, After owning or listening to a long list of earlier generation DACs and CD systems, I currently own the Bel Canto 3.0 and Ayre QB-9 (192Hz version). I prefer the versatility of the Bel Canto and use it sans preamp, w/balanced ic into a Jeff Rowland amp for my second system.

But I can summarize my impressions of the Ayre by saying that short of something like the Playback Designs DACs at $5-7K or perhaps the ARC-8, it is the most analog-sounding and yet revealing digital device I've ever owned or heard, even better than the Ayre CX-7E in my system.

If RFI/EMI is reasonably low, using RCA outs doesn't seem to be a significant issue for my playback of the Ayre, though others may wish to comment. Mine isn't a fair A-B, since my (Cerious)XLR cables are much better. I did observe minor but noticeable effects across USB cables during high-resolution(24/192) playback. Belkin Gold or Cardas Clear both seem to work fine for me.

Hope this helps, and good luck!
I just replaced my SB Touch with CI power supply going into an esoteric G25U clock/upsampler (touch upsampled to 176k and reclocked) into berkeley dac direct into amps. I was thrilled with the sound until I put an ESI Juli@ sound card into my PC. I have a 10 meter aopgee BNC cable sending the Juli@ into the G25/berkeley (next room) and it totally blew away the touch. (Using JRiver 16). I loved my touch and thought it sounded great. I'm still blown away.