How to order Wally Tools...

I'm potentially interested in ordering a wallytractor. I've called the number on his web site several times, but never an answer. I've left two messages, and no one returns my calls. I'm curious as to how one properly places an order. Alternately, I've now seen posts here on the Mint protractor. Is that a worthy alternative? Tks.

I have read about nothing but problems with people even getting his product after payment was made.Stay away,far away.
You may want to do a search and read the horror stories.
Just my 2 cents.
he is not a crook, he will get you your items eventually, but it takes a long, long time, and if you have questions getting him to answer them takes a long, long, long time.

But they do work well. I think it is a side business of his, just a hobby, because he is not the world's best business man.
Curious-how long can someone hold onto your money, without providing a product, before he *is* "a crook"? This poster had been waiting five years up to the time of his post. At this point, he's probably been waiting six years, and that's not an unusual story.

From all indications, the 'Mint' is a great product, with wonderful and personalized service. This is really a no brainer-Wally should be avoided at all costs.
Agree with the above. Wally has shot himself in the foot as far as losing the tonearm/cartridge alignment business to someone willing to provide an equally good product with quick dependable shipping - Mint LP. It's best to contact Wally only by phone and be very persistant if you really want his products. Good luck.