Build me a killer Rock/Metal Rig for 1K

my old rig is history..devoured by a audio eating species called AudiogoN'ers All I could save were a pair of Thiel 3.5's that have many good years left on them.They are 89 dB and 4 ohm of hunger.Help me..for less than $1000 show me an amp to tame the Thiel beasts,a pre(tubed/remote) to sweeten the Thiel beast.A CDP or SACDP to sing to the Thiel beast.My cage is 14'X20'X8' I listen to classic rock/metalmodern rock/metal lots of classic pop and some heavy metal rap.I dont need window shattering SPL's just decent volume with great bass and transparency. Oh yeah,I also need recommendations for cables to keep the Thiel beast from wandering away and some wires to tie the electronics together.A grand aint much to work on so, vintage gear?
I would like to add more.I had to sell off my old stereo this past summer for a couple of personal reasons.I got e-mails from some of my friends here when they saw my stuff was for sale.Some even offered to loan me gear until I got a new rig put back together.You all know who you are and I say thank you!! I bought the Thiels just before I decided I had to sell everything.I was talked into keeping the Thiels by one of you.I know many believe the 3.5's arent a good rock speaker.Well,right now its all I have to work around and I am keeping them.I was heavily into vinyl but thats all gone,at least for now.I would like to try a cheaper Sony SACD player and I have made a couple offeres on a c-333es but right now they are a bit too high on the used market($400) or so.Im also considering a integrated amp but all Ive seen dont have the current to run the 3.5'sSo I am asking all of you to help me get music back into my life for a 'whopping' $1000 budget.Thanks all!!
It may not be ideal but worth considering, a used Linn Classik. They can be had for under $1000 and are truly an all-in-one product. The Classik has tone controls if you choose to use'em, allowing you to add a bit more bottom end. The Classik is NOT a low end unit or mid0fi unit, I heard one being used with a pair of Revels at a guys house, nice sound was coming out of the Revels. Leaves a bit of coin for some speaker cables and still meets your $1000 target.
UNDER A GRAND EY? That would be tough if you plan on keeping up with the THIEL QUALITY level!!!
However, fear not. For what you're after, I think I can help from experience. I used to own a couple of thiel models, and also like some occasional hard hitting rock and such, just as yourself.
So let me get this straight first. You want the CD player, the amp, and the preamp for under a grand used? Wow...that is a toughy.
But, I think you might be able to squeeze it out. Infact, I have an extremely, way way too good sounding DVD player that sounds MONDO excellente from the analog outs for standard CD's! Infact, it humbles many much more expensive dedicated cd players, really! I used to run some very expensive gear with it, and it beats up on a lot of players out there, and just plain sounds fantastic! The DVD player I'm refering to is the DVDA310 Panasonic from a few years back. Infact Absolute sound did a review on it back in April or May of 98, and said it "rivaled Levinson CD separates" at the time! I found one, played around with it, and couldn't believe how good it sounded! Infact, for digital CD's, I wouldn't even bother with much more right now. It sounds extremley musical and transparent! I know for a fact you would flip for the sound on 16/44 CD's from it, I know it! I would even sell you mine (system is down for while) for like $200 (retail was $700 new). ALSO, IT HAS AN ADJUSTABLE VOLUME CONTROL FROM THE REMOTE!! So, you could even use it as a preamp if you ever needed it to, and just go dirrect to an amp...very handy indeed. Not to mention it also playes DD video movies, and has a 6 channel out. The unit is beefy and weigs like 12 lbs.
For amps, you will DEFINITELY want to use an amp that's got BALLS to drive the Thiels!..especially for rock and heavy dynamic stuff. You could find a used 200 w/ch range amp like the Parasound HCA1500 as BARE MINIMUM, or even better, used Aragon 4004 amp for around the $400-600 mark. The Aragon is probably stronger, and should be OK on the Thiels, but the Parasound is a pinch smoother on top for your EDGY SOUNDING TREBBLE with Thiels. Other than those, maybe you could find a great deal on a used Adcom GFA5802 or something, but I'm not sure how cheep you could get that, and still have some bucks left over for the preamp. Also, the Aragon is stronger in the base by a little.
For that price range though, I can't think of much you wouild consider to drive those with descent overall acceptable sound quality! You might try to use a McCormmack DNA .5 amp, which is superb for the money, if you can get it in that price range I just mentioned. Besides those, maybe some old Bryston amp or something. That is tough.
Anyway if you could get some of the above chioces, you should be doing good. These amps should have enough TORQUE to push the Thiels, and you'll need every bit of it!
Also, stay away from the PASSIVE preamp ultimately, and go with an active. I used a passive preamp, as well as CD dirrect from the DVD player on occasions. But ultimately it's not as dynamic as a good active preamp.
For premps, you might find a killer deal on some kind of a TUBE PREAMP to TAME your Thiels top end a bit. it's gonna be hard to squeeze it in under $1000 mark for all however. But you could find some kind of cheep deal on a used Audio Research TUBE preamp. That should help your Thiels and still sound like a GOOD MATCH. Or, you could, depending on budget after amp and CD player, or whatever, look for some DYNACO or GOLDEN TUBE preamp that should sound descent enough for your budget. HUMMMMMM....tough indeed.
So, let's recap:
$200 for a used Panasonic DVDA310 for CD's/DVD's(sound A!!)
$400-600 for either Parasound HCA1500, Aragon 4004, etc.
$300-500 for good tube preamp:Golden Tube, Audio Res, Dynaco

Yes, you might go over by a buck or so, but I would bet you that if you ended up with, say, the Panasonic DVDA310 player, a good condition used Aragon 4004 or something, or even a MKII version of the 4004, and a nice little tube preamp for your system, you would have some KILLER SOUND FROM THOSE SEPAKERS DUDE!...NO KIDDING! I would bet that no one else could put you together anything better, with your speakers, for that $1000 point!!!...NO WAY!
So, there's my suggestions.
Best of luck to ya...