SME 20/2 sound problem. Remedy suggestions needed

Dear Readers! I bought SME 20/2 w/V tonearm as an upgrade from my Roksan Xerxes w/SME IV tonearm. I use Denon DL 103R cart, a very good phonostage just in league with Manley Steelhead, amplified in biamping by Primare Integra on high/midrange and Krell KAV250a on bass, Danish Physics DP.02 speakers. Xerxes palyer with very airy big warm soundstage, the vibration bound turntable design (similar in construction to LP12) being compensated by rigidly controlling Krell produced a rhytmical, colourful sound. Lots of so called coloration transformed into big big lively music. Now replacing it with SME 20/2/V arm all life got immediately lost - sound is dry, flat and monochromatic . Could it be that Denon DL 103R does not live up any near to the SME high end purism, or would You rather say that theres no synergy between a very uncoluring and rigid SME deck and Krell which is known as most monochromatic synthetic and sterile sounding amp? Is it possible that given same system and cartridge the difference between Roksan w/ SME IV and SME 20/2 w/V arm could be so startlingly negative towards the SME deck? I read somewhere that SME decks play flat on rock - I listen mostly to rock/metal - but such a vast devastating difference? colours vs no colours, life vs lack of vitality, music vs. synthetic flat sound? Please help with your knowledge, I'd highly appreciate suggestions. thank You!
Welcome to Audiogon! I see you are a new member and this thread that you initiated should be a very interesting experience. There will be lots of suggestions. I tend to agree with what others have said. After a big change, one often needs to reexamine previoulsy held beliefs and expectations. After the initial shock of a different sound, be patient and try to figure out what is causing the effect.

I have the SME 10 tt and SME V arm and can tell you that huge gains can be had by experimenting with all of the cartridge/arm set-up variables including whether or not the cartidge is a good match to the arm. I upgraded the arm from the SME 309 and the cartridge from a Sumiko Celebration and each time, the neutrality of the SME platform (table) allowed me to hear the differences very clearly. Then I began to really play with slight changes in VTA, VTF and alignment. You have an excellent table/arm combination.

I sense your frustration. Just try to be patient and enjoy the learning process.

A few years ago, I upgraded to an SME 20/2 with a Graham Phantom arm and a Dynavector XV-1S cartridge from an Oracle Delphi with Eminent Technology ET-2 arm and a long-discontinued Van den Hul cartridge.

The difference is just amazing! I can't speak for the SME V arm because I have not heard it in a long time, but it has a very good reputation.

I suspect that the most serious problem may be your cartridge and then perhaps your setup. I think perhaps Raul could provide even more guidance to you as he has a great deal of experience with TTs, arms and cartridges
Thank You all for Your words of support and experienced knowledge! I am working right on swallowing the pill of bitterness :) Hence - the cartridge first, and well over 1000$ one for sure. Maybe it's an early question to ask, since I still crave for more general oppinions 'bout my deck/arm malady - it's a young thread so far - but what cartridge would You suggest me to try out with the SME deck? I think of some carts in league with Koetsu Black, but that's so far I know. Maybe You know a certain cart which You consider just perfect for Rock and Metal music - colourful, dynamic, fast, soaring in hights, spacial and maybe even tending to some exaggeration in mid/bass punch. Or maybe that's too much to ask of a cartridge alltogether? I crave for colours in music, had plenty but now Im as colour-thristy as if stranded on a desert for a cup of water. Please post Your suggestions for an ultimate ROCK/METAL cartridge, I'd highly appreciate more thoughts of how to fine tune SME20/2 w/V optimally.

Would appreciate Your word.
one of higher end garrott bros models will put the 'old school' into pretty much any turntable/arm combo. google...they'll ship from australia, and you'll spend less than a grand. dynamic, low noise floor, solid.
Hence - the cartridge first, and well over 1000$ one for sure.

The 103 series can be very critical in Arms when they are not heavy enough, and to be honest, Analog reproduction is a combination from everything. Probably the SME is much more accurate and you simply hear the truth (more than before).
There is a cartridge from Zyx, FS100 - I think -, that has a very remarkable performance for its price. It produces more "music out from the grooves" than others I heard in this price area. And it is a easy going cartridge, no secrets from set up. the Koetsu will compensate the high and low frequency areas, midrange is superior, can be a good match, but sooner or later you will think about it again...