Thank You all for Your words of support and experienced knowledge! I am working right on swallowing the pill of bitterness :) Hence - the cartridge first, and well over 1000$ one for sure. Maybe it's an early question to ask, since I still crave for more general oppinions 'bout my deck/arm malady - it's a young thread so far - but what cartridge would You suggest me to try out with the SME deck? I think of some carts in league with Koetsu Black, but that's so far I know. Maybe You know a certain cart which You consider just perfect for Rock and Metal music - colourful, dynamic, fast, soaring in hights, spacial and maybe even tending to some exaggeration in mid/bass punch. Or maybe that's too much to ask of a cartridge alltogether? I crave for colours in music, had plenty but now Im as colour-thristy as if stranded on a desert for a cup of water. Please post Your suggestions for an ultimate ROCK/METAL cartridge, I'd highly appreciate more thoughts of how to fine tune SME20/2 w/V optimally.
Would appreciate Your word.
Would appreciate Your word.