Build me a killer Rock/Metal Rig for 1K

my old rig is history..devoured by a audio eating species called AudiogoN'ers All I could save were a pair of Thiel 3.5's that have many good years left on them.They are 89 dB and 4 ohm of hunger.Help me..for less than $1000 show me an amp to tame the Thiel beasts,a pre(tubed/remote) to sweeten the Thiel beast.A CDP or SACDP to sing to the Thiel beast.My cage is 14'X20'X8' I listen to classic rock/metalmodern rock/metal lots of classic pop and some heavy metal rap.I dont need window shattering SPL's just decent volume with great bass and transparency. Oh yeah,I also need recommendations for cables to keep the Thiel beast from wandering away and some wires to tie the electronics together.A grand aint much to work on so, vintage gear?

you have been given some good ideas on amps but I would stay away from the Golden Tubes unless you are real handy at fixing things. I have a friend, who is handy, owned 2 of the SE40s and never stopped working on them. He talked with lots of other owners and found the same trend. The Classe would certainly fit the bill if you can find one at $400-$600 (don't worry about age they have great build quality and are reliable). Would not do parasound, B&K, or Adcom, I don't think you will get the "warmness" you need alothough you would get all the balls. Not familiar with McCormick, outside of articles, but it might do the trick. Another couple of great values that should have the power needed:
*Audio Analoge Donizetti power for sale right now for $800 but that is a little high. You will have to wait and watch for the right situation since they don't come around too often. Great looking gear too.

*Marsh 200w - pushing your budget but there are 2 on AGON both under $900 right now.

Musical Fidelity - a little high but you might be able to find something in your range

Sim Audio - there is a W4070 right now for $650...killer deal. Older model but it would do the trick.

Electrocompaniet - in particular the AW60FTT...there was someone selling 2, $650 each, and his add is still up. I owned this and I like it better than anything else I have mentioned so far. Original retail was $1999 (a little high). Look under AW60 because the guy spelled Electro wrong. If you have to wait, I think it would be worth it. 60W of class A power (acts like 100+) and very warm (some might say dark...but what do they know)

NAD - known for being "dark" also but plenty of drive and headroom (their specialty) and you should be able to find an older retired model well within your budget.

ANOTHER THOUGHT: Consider an integrated and drop the pre tube requirement, it would save a lot of money and if you stuck to Sim, Musical Fidelity, Electrocompaniet and Sim (maybe even the NAD) I think you would find everything you want.

Don't know the YS-Audio but I would take a chance for that kind of money.

Consance T99 retails for $799 and now comes with a remote option - you will have to look around to find the remote option and get it used. Maybe you can find a dealer willing to sell a "demo" to you. I bet they would like to move some of the equipment.

Call some dealers and see if you can find a used or demo piece at the right price.

I wouldn't do anything out of my way to get SACD since there isn't enough software out there to please a Rock dude like you. However, if it comes with the deal, why not.

Sony - the Sony line is extensive and have changed models so many times it is hard to keep up. But study the line and almost anything you settle on will be a good buy. They have really done an excellant job on trickle down since the relase of SACD, specially the SCD-1.

Cambridge Audio D-500SE - mint unit for $250 right now on AGON...not SACD but you are going to have to go a long way to get better sound for the price.

There are others but it isn't necessary to look further.

Nordost Blue Heaven used - about $100 bucks a pair for 1m
or Nordost Solor Wind 1m pair $110 retail, tough to find used...all the Nordost is fast, great bass, and neutral. If you want coloration (i.e. warmth) go with Van Den Hul in this too...about the same price.

Van Den Hul - The Wind MkII they changed the model number but I believe this is the same model I bought. Butt ugly but it will make your system sing...warmth and deep taught bass. 8ft terminated pair was around $175 retail...again, you will have to do some homework but it will be worth the work.

1. Save some more money and get $1500 and the task will be much easier.
2. Consider selling the Theils and combining the money (again the $1500 for other would be best) then start from scratch so you don't have to worry so much about a hard-to-drive speaker. Triangle (both are 90db+ so any amp you want will do) Antal ($1500 retail) and Celius ($2000 retail)...not a better sounding speaker in that price range, though MANY others would disagree. I am not sure of how they would do with so much Rock music but I guess real could even supplement with a used paradigm sub and kick some serious, heavy metal, guitar toten, funny cigerette smokin, thunder clappin, jaw-droppin, knee bendin, in-your-face, rock the house, slammin, ear-bleeding, love-makin, ROCK AND ROLL BABY!!!!!!

Have fun
I agree with Aroc on the KT88 tubes for metal - I have the Rogue Audio M120 monoblocks, $1500-$1800/pair - out of the price range of course, but where I finally settled.

An amp that hasn't been mentioned yet, and should be worth a look is the Conrad Johnson Sonograph SA400: $800-$1000 and 200 (or was it 220?) smooth, sweet watts. Lower power and lower price is the SA250 for around $600 or a little more. They don't come up too often, and sell fairly quickly, but they may be a little more lush than the McCormacks at the same price range. Either CJ or McCormack are good options in the price range, though.

As for B&K, I'd avoid the newer amps (EX-, REF-) and consider one of their older higher-powered amp or pair of monos (M200 I think it was called) If your Thiels have a wicked impedance curve, however, B&K may not be your ticket - some of their amps don't have the grip to handle tricky impedances.

I am sorry you have had problems and had to divest. It is important to have music in your life. If I were in your situation, I would strongly consider a Superphon RevelationII preamp ($350) and PS Audio 200C ($375) on Agon right now. Both products were designed by Stan Warren and repersent excellent values. The Superphon has a superb phono stage should you ever get back into vinyl. The PS Audio is 200 watts per channel and should mate well with the Thiel's. There is also a Sumo Andromeda II for $500 and White monobloc 250 watt amps also $500. But for just over $700, the Superphon and PS Audio combo leaves you money for the Sony and a cheap tuner if you want. Or maybe for some music. No tubes and no remote, but a reasonable compromise imho.

Good luck. Let us know what you decide.

INfact, not only do I KNOW that no tube amp at his budget, for his purposes will work for him with those Thiels, but I would suggest CALLING THIEL!!! I would suggest picking the people at Thiel's brain (probably get Sheri on the Phone, but also talk to a tech or Jim Thiel or some one). I bet you anything they would suggest like a used TUBE PREAMP with solid state amp! for his budget!
Good Luck!

Suffer a little.

Save your money.

You need about $2k minimum to do what you ask.