Build me a killer Rock/Metal Rig for 1K

my old rig is history..devoured by a audio eating species called AudiogoN'ers All I could save were a pair of Thiel 3.5's that have many good years left on them.They are 89 dB and 4 ohm of hunger.Help me..for less than $1000 show me an amp to tame the Thiel beasts,a pre(tubed/remote) to sweeten the Thiel beast.A CDP or SACDP to sing to the Thiel beast.My cage is 14'X20'X8' I listen to classic rock/metalmodern rock/metal lots of classic pop and some heavy metal rap.I dont need window shattering SPL's just decent volume with great bass and transparency. Oh yeah,I also need recommendations for cables to keep the Thiel beast from wandering away and some wires to tie the electronics together.A grand aint much to work on so, vintage gear?
I agree with Aroc on the KT88 tubes for metal - I have the Rogue Audio M120 monoblocks, $1500-$1800/pair - out of the price range of course, but where I finally settled.

An amp that hasn't been mentioned yet, and should be worth a look is the Conrad Johnson Sonograph SA400: $800-$1000 and 200 (or was it 220?) smooth, sweet watts. Lower power and lower price is the SA250 for around $600 or a little more. They don't come up too often, and sell fairly quickly, but they may be a little more lush than the McCormacks at the same price range. Either CJ or McCormack are good options in the price range, though.

As for B&K, I'd avoid the newer amps (EX-, REF-) and consider one of their older higher-powered amp or pair of monos (M200 I think it was called) If your Thiels have a wicked impedance curve, however, B&K may not be your ticket - some of their amps don't have the grip to handle tricky impedances.

I am sorry you have had problems and had to divest. It is important to have music in your life. If I were in your situation, I would strongly consider a Superphon RevelationII preamp ($350) and PS Audio 200C ($375) on Agon right now. Both products were designed by Stan Warren and repersent excellent values. The Superphon has a superb phono stage should you ever get back into vinyl. The PS Audio is 200 watts per channel and should mate well with the Thiel's. There is also a Sumo Andromeda II for $500 and White monobloc 250 watt amps also $500. But for just over $700, the Superphon and PS Audio combo leaves you money for the Sony and a cheap tuner if you want. Or maybe for some music. No tubes and no remote, but a reasonable compromise imho.

Good luck. Let us know what you decide.

INfact, not only do I KNOW that no tube amp at his budget, for his purposes will work for him with those Thiels, but I would suggest CALLING THIEL!!! I would suggest picking the people at Thiel's brain (probably get Sheri on the Phone, but also talk to a tech or Jim Thiel or some one). I bet you anything they would suggest like a used TUBE PREAMP with solid state amp! for his budget!
Good Luck!

Suffer a little.

Save your money.

You need about $2k minimum to do what you ask.

I agree with the posts that say you cannot do what you want with what you have.

Having said that, for what you want you should slay the "Thiel beast" by dumping them and buy Klipshorns. With the leftover money (if you are lucky) and your 1k buy a Manley Stingray integrated amp and and an Ah tjoeb 4000 cd player. This system will destroy your Thiels plus whatever amp and cd player you can get for 1k.

Now you are talking "killer rock/metal rig."