Why is Acustic the best ...

... turntable or one of the best???

I keep reading passionate testimonials about it.

1) But, what is the science behind it?
2) How does the design depart from other very high quality turntables?

Thanks, Jeff
Dear Jeff: Who say or how can prove is the best?.

Any one can say: " hey this is the best ". But this statement could means nothing with out arguments that can/could prove " is the best " and " the best " against what? against which reference? and then comes many other questions like: in which systems " is the best "? in which quality performance parameters? it is really the " best " or only " different? how " different?

The word " the best " is something that has an absolute judgement with universal behavior, the " best " is a synonimus of " perfection " that till today does not exist in audio and specially on TTs where there are so many drawbacks.

IMHO the Acustic is a good TT like some others out there.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul: Yes, I understand that there is no "best" and in a way you are repeating my question.

My point is this. There is a lot of buzz about the Acustic turntables. Aside from testimonials, what makes it a great design and how does that design differ from so many other tables that do not enjoy similar "buzz"?

Testimonials provide good feelings and reassurance about lots of things, but they provide no factual evidence. To make a grossly unfair comparison, lots of people said they "loved" Bernie Madoff.
Agree with Raul's last statement.

And there're others here who have not been impressed to balance things out. It's a personal thing and best from the owners' perspective does not mean the "best". But it's an excellent platform to build and enjoy my vinyl collection.
Very good point Raul this goes without saying...

Where have I been, IS Acustic the BEST?

you know Jeff I agree with you from the stand point that there has been ALOT of positive testimonials about these tables,and I must say atleast from design standpoint it looks VERY Impressive.

But since this is an open forum I'd like to hear from Galibier,Teres, Redpoint,Verdier, Micro Seiki owners whose designs are also top knotch.

So again I will ask the question who says its the best?
Do you agree or are you just asking?

If I might ask which table do you own? and If you are(were) in the market would you buy a TW Acustic based solely on this reported "buzz"

Jeff too