No phono input on Jadis but want to buy tunrtable

Have a Jadis OR integrated amp and I want to buy a nice turntable to get back into vinyl after more than 30 years....

I have no phono inputs. What do I need to buy to make sure that I have everything I need to make this operate properly?

And what should I is a good 'complete' turntable system for something in the $500-$600 range?

Thanks in advance. I really appreciate the terrific advice that I get from you all in here !
Dear Tom: +++++ " And what should I is a good 'complete' turntable system for something in the $500... " ++++

he has that money for the whole analog rig not only phono stage!

Regards and enjoy the music.
If you read his last post you will see he now has a table/arm he won on ebay, and was asking specificly about a phonostage to go with it, in the $400.00 range. I am guessing this is money left after the table purchase from the original 5-6 hundred bucks.
Dear Tom: You are totally right, I miss his last post.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Mattzack, I am assuming you also need a cartridge to go with your TT. I would go for a Moving Magnet cartridge as it will eliminate the need for a pre-preamp.

The phono stage will plug directly into an AUX input on your integrated. Personally, if you're still game, I would jump on the Hagerman Cornet2 which just showed up on Audiogon. It is a DIY kit with a great reputation, which has been completed for you, and is offered for less than the cost of the parts. I think Tom_hankins has some decent suggestions as well. If you buy carefully, those mentioned will not lose you much should you decide the whole thing is not for you.

Disclosure: no affiliation whatsoever to any products mentioned.