The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
If you like Bose 901 speakers, that's fine for you but many of us are far too experienced to accept such jibberish.

I was a very successful Bose salesman in the 1970s. The product was flying out the door and the jibberish was being swallowed by the bucket.

Personal circumstances interrupted my fantasy and, once I heard well-designed speakers objectively, the Bose fantasy was permanently discredited. The 901 is garbage and you sound like a shill.

I looked at the wall behind me while I was typing this in the hope that you might finally get the message. Bose has no interest in making good speakers. They just want to make speakers that sell good. Sorry Charlie!!
Macrojack, the new and improved bose 901 series 6 version 2's have come a long ways from the 901 speakers they sold back in the 70's ! We compared my new bose 901's to my friends up to date 901's from 70's and friends 901's sounded like they had a blanket over them and had a very harsh top end too ! I have never heard RECORDED MUSIC sound this DAMN GOOD before ! These new 901's get you closer to a LIVE PERFORMANCE than any other speakers I have ever heard period !!... ENJOY THE MUSIC
Really are we still itchy about the "Bose" GUYs we have come a long way, and need not stoop low.

Do not argue with an idiot/ignorant he will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience. To each his own "kingdom" enjoy the music hifisoundguy or who ever you are bravo to you and the ....
Come on guys, we all know the praises of Bose are a joke, don't we? They can't be serious. Its like the guys who think B&W are world class speakers. They are just kidding , right?
I called two of my friends over so we could see if we could set-up my two pair of BOSE 901 series 6 version 2's "STACKED" a little better. I just sat there listening to music and my two friends moved the 901's inch by inch until I found the "G-SPOT" for the 901's in my room. Both my friends were amazed at the sound coming out of these 901 speakers ! One of them has been going to the CES Show for years and he told me that the only time he's heard sound like that was at a LIVE CONCERT !...