SS phono stage in $2k to $3k range...

I'm looking to purhase a new phono stage. I'd prefer solid state. My budget is $2k to $3k. I'd like enough gain for typical LOMC. My preferences are low noise, detail, nice soundstaging, no harshness, and flexible loading options. On my radar screen are the JLTi (w/power supply), Whest PS.30R, and Pass Xono (used). I'd like good build quality and reliablity, but these are probably inherent in a SS phono stage in this price range. Any others to consider? Anything about any of these three candidates that make them stand out in a good or bad way relative to the others? Thanks!
Try the Nagra BPS it sounds great. If I didn't own the Nagra VPS I would get it. Read the MF review in Stereophile. Very open, clean and neutral. A very good bang for the buck.
If you're looking for a warmer, sweeter sound the Pass may suit you best.

Are you kidding?!
Do a search here. The Xono is great, but I doubt anyone would call it warm and sweet. No disrespect intended but perhaps your thinking of some other phonostage.
Three in your price range that I have had in my system are the Xono (for a month) Ayre P-5xe, and Simaudio LP5.3/PSX5.3 combo. (owned these two) I preferred the Sim even with out the outboard power supply to the other two, and its better now with the new power supply. To me it just has a more natural sound. A little more full bodied and not quite as dry as the other two. That is IMO of course. but it is quieter. All three have everything your looking for, as far as being flexible and well built.
The most flexible and accommodating cartridge wise phono-stage I have tried in the past few years was Consonance Reference 40. Yes, Consonance got a LOT of bad rap lately but I for one am very happy, problems free with my Consonance phono-stage, Droplet CDP and Cyber 800 monos.
I am not trying to convince anyone into buying into a brand which locks U.S representation and had other problems but if you can strike a great deal on used market for this phono - I would say go for it.
Many phono-stages came thru my door lately and Ref.40 is still around.
I have tried it with few carts - Cartridgeman, SoundSmith, Dynavector Karat 17D3/17D2, Denon 103R and it did great with all of them.

I almost sold it ones before - now I am glad that it work out.

(of course, like with most tube gear - tube rolling is fan and effective it tailoring the sound to ones taste)

Just a thought

Perhaps a used Klyne 7PX. Very natural sound, not the dreaded 'too revealing' so you can't listen to half your LP collection. They're relatively rare compared to, say, a Pass, but worth the wait IMO.