SS phono stage in $2k to $3k range...

I'm looking to purhase a new phono stage. I'd prefer solid state. My budget is $2k to $3k. I'd like enough gain for typical LOMC. My preferences are low noise, detail, nice soundstaging, no harshness, and flexible loading options. On my radar screen are the JLTi (w/power supply), Whest PS.30R, and Pass Xono (used). I'd like good build quality and reliablity, but these are probably inherent in a SS phono stage in this price range. Any others to consider? Anything about any of these three candidates that make them stand out in a good or bad way relative to the others? Thanks!
ASR Mini Basis, exclusive version.
I own the Whest Audio PS30 RDT (double tranformers) and it's a Magical phono stage , never heard something similar at any price
Probably a Klyne 7 Phono Stage.Closes the gap between Transistor and tube sound. Much better sound than Whest 30, Tron , Xono... Adjustable, high gain, reliable...
Are you kidding?!
Do a search here. The Xono is great, but I doubt anyone would call it warm and sweet. No disrespect intended but perhaps your thinking of some other phonostage.

No mistake, and I don't need to do a search, I've learned to trust my own ears over others opinions.

Now understand this, I'm not saying the Pass Xono is overly ripe, but when you compare it side by side with the Walker, the Walker is more revealing, the Pass fuller sounding. I'm also not saying one is better than the other, just different. The Walker works better in my system because my speakers (Verity Audio Parsifal Encore's) lean toward the warm side of neutral, so the added speed and nuetrality of the Walker stage sounds better in my system. If your speakers are more neutral or leaner, you very well may prefer the Pass Xono. It's all about synergy. Have you heard the Walker Signature or Reference phono stages?

Clear enough? I did not intend to step on the toes of Pass owners. I have respected Nelson Pass' work for a couple of decades now. In fact I think they are one of the best overall manufacturer of SS gear. Pass would be high on my list if I ever decide to return to SS. For now, I'll just enjoy the glowing fire bottles.

Hello Rockinrobin,

If you're buying new, the Graham Slee Reflex + Elevator will make you forget that there are more expensive phono preamps out there. This combo is very good for the money at this price range.
