Room Treatment: Whatcha Got?

As I learn (Bertrand Russel would say 'as I expand my ignorance') I'm developing a different question to ask of audiophile friends. [ought I say phriends? No!]

Now, instead of asking what gear they listen to, or if they like vinyl, I'm really interested in their room; is it treated, or not? And what technique(s) / how much time is invested in setting up?

That's it: despite the current cover of Stereophile, size no longer matters to me, neither do components at this point. I don't even care about CD / TT until I've learned what effort a listener has put into working the room.

What's your story?
Some DIY tube traps but mostly ATS panels have deadened my space nicely, finally. It was really too lively. But I'm "pretty" satisfied now. Who am I kidding? Are we ever really satisfied?
I said, "How come this thread is not in the "acoustics" forum?..... Audiogon needs an acoustics forum to ask these questions in. How about it ,lets see a raise of hands for an acoustics forum right here on Audiogon.
Lets do it, a new Acoustics forum, who says yea? This is too important of a subject to be (continued to be) ignored."

Well apparently it is being ignored again. Come one come all lets rally for an "Acoustics forum"
We have one nay from Dan-ed. And one yea from me. Anyone want to be the tie breaker? All we need is one yes/no for a definative vote!
