Am I going sideways?

Hi all,
Fist post, so pleae be gentle. I have an original Townshend Rock circa 86-87 which I'm looking to offload. I'm considering a SOTA Sapphire (which I had previously, and loved)or a HW19 Mk 3 as a replacement. Will the changeover yield any benefits or should I stay where I am? I would be using A Dynavector XX on a RB300 on either set up, which also exists now on the Rock. Please advise
Why buy another Sapphire? The vacuum system of a SOTA Star would be a definite improvement.
the saphire is a tiny step up from the rock, but hardly worth the money, if the rock is in great operating condtion and still does it for you.
Also am considering a vpi hw19jr upgraded. Is this more of a step up? The rock is in great working order, but am finding a bit flat sounding in my system. The rock is only the base model as it was produced in 1987. Have not been using the trough as i find it too fiddly