whats the best way to reglue record covers

I have several album covers(mostly DGG...) which have become unglued at the back where the front and back meet.It seems that the glue has dried out.
Would appreciate any advice on which glue to use to reglue these sucessfully
Here is a very good link for such repairs:

I use a hot glue gun and very sparingly at that.

When working, the album cover should be placed on a hard clean surface and a book or other heavy object placed on the freshly glued seam so it sets properly.

At one time I used Elmer's white glue and it works, but if the least little bit too much is applied it squeezes out and binds the front and rear of the album and cannot be removed.

Before you use any glue, clean the area well, peeling away all the excess so the new bond is working from fresh paper.

It should go without saying, the LP is put away for this entire operation and if you wish to be extra cautious you can insert a spare dust sleeve inside the art work cover before beginning to provide one additional layer of safety.
Albert, I prefer to use a white PVA adhesive like Elmer's and there's a trick to keeping errant glue from wreaking havoc. Cut a thin sheet of cardboard sized to just barely fit inside the jacket and wrap it with wax paper. Or, you can use silicone release paper like you use to protect a dry mount press platen when you dry mount photographs, it's thicker than wax paper. The non stick surface will protect the inner surfaces from sticking together as the glue dries.