best cartridge for less than $700 for AQ PT6 arm?

I am a nubee to this forum and I recently purchased a Systemdek IIXE TT with an Audioquest PT6 tonearm. It needs a cartridge and I was wondering what would be the best to use with it for less than $750.00 (MM or MC) Any ideas or suggestions? I would like to get this TT up and running. On my other TT's I have a Denon 207 and a Shure V15III. I listen mostly to Rock n Roll, Jazz & Classical. Thanks for your input.
I have used with success, such Cartridges as the Benz Glider, the Benz Ruby 3, and lastly, the ZYX Airy 3X SB on both an AQ-PT-8 Arm (Same Arm as yours), and the AQ-PT-9 Arm.

You make no mention of your Phono-Stage, and what adjustability is has? Or Phono Cable, which can also offer good sonic improvements with this Tonearm.

If just a basic MM Phono Stage, you might be better served with another very decent MM, such as the Audio Technica AT-150MLX (about $350), and a Phono Cable upgrade?

Perhaps more input from you will be needed, for us folks to make a better assessment? Mark
I nominate the Ortofon 2M Black. Should be a good effective mass/compliance match, and the reviews indicate that it provides a sophisticated, full-bodied, hi-res presentation well within your budget. Also cheaper to own than an equivalently priced MC.

It's what I'd get if I upgraded.
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