Graham Phantom vs. Phantom II

Hi, I own the Phantom and think about getting the Phantom II.
It is quite rare, but is someone out who did the change from one to the other?
When yes, may I ask, what do you think about the sonic differences. Some say there are none but I think from technical paper there are...

I own a Phantom II but it does not have the spirit level attached to the pivot housing ... when did Bob add this feature to the II? Very happy with the arm and found it to be a noticeable improvement over my 2.2.
I used to have the Phantom I and now have the II. It is not day and light difference, but noticeable. With the Phantom II, I heard quicker transient, more air, deeper bass, better dynamics (more explosive), and more presence with instruments and voice. I really like the upgrade and the counterweight can accommodate heavy cartridge like the Goldfinger v2 which is 20g.
I do have the II as well but it does not have the spirit level. Perhaps this is the III version some people are talking about.
Smoffatt - We must have the 1st production run Phantom II tonearms. I e-mailed Bob asking about this feature but I doubt I will get a reply ...
I e-mail Graham too, but I never get reply from them.
I got the Phantom I and ask about upgrade to II, but some info show that II has longer armwards, so I ask the Graham that it can be a direct replacement of II over I .