Graham Phantom vs. Phantom II

Hi, I own the Phantom and think about getting the Phantom II.
It is quite rare, but is someone out who did the change from one to the other?
When yes, may I ask, what do you think about the sonic differences. Some say there are none but I think from technical paper there are...

Hi Dertonarm,

Thanks for the feedback, can the Phantom be upgraded to the Version II by sending it back to the factory ?

Yes it can for under $500.00. The internal wire is swapped out and magnaglide feature also the micropoise is installed.
Contact Graham Engineering to arrange upgrades.
I wonder why there's more people selling the Phantom tonearm and buying the new one rather (taking a loss), than just have it sent to Graham for an upgrade at $500 ?
First, - because most people do not know about the upgrade option. And second because many do want an "all new" toy and don't believe that the upgrade is 1:1 identical to the Phantom II in all parts and performance. Maybe a word about this from Robert Graham would clarify and encourage people.