Riaa curve

How important is riaa accurcy in a preamp? Some state .5 db...others .25
Hi Eldartford
I'd love to learn from the pro's perspective about that "RIAA equalization when the LP is cut", please if you would share it.
I think it should add some perspective to the subject on hand i.e. "Riaa curve" and not RIAA curve error tolerance...

Eldartford, my cutting lathe has a set of 'pre-emphasis' modules that are in fact the inverse RIAA curves- if you put their output into a phono preamp, the result should be flat.

It sounds to me that what you are getting at is that not all cutting systems are created equally, not all mics are neutral as well, that sort of thing, and you are absolutely correct.

However, you might be surprised but the cutter manufacturers were actually quite concerned about getting the pre-emphasis correct, to the point of hand-picking components to make it so. The same is true of any high end phono preamp manufacturer; after the hand-picking process we wind up with a substantial stack of unusable EQ components!

Raul is absolutely correct in saying that EQ errors of only 0.1db can be heard and he also gave the correct reason why- its a spectrum, not a single frequency. That makes a huge difference to the human ear.

In the end, this makes it possible to evaluate components used in the recording process, such as mics and recorders. Although 0.1 db seems like its not very much, it **can** be measured quite easily, and the math for generating the EQ networks is well established.

I have seen at least one manufacturer claim that due to other errors, RIAA EQ is not important. IMO such a claim is rubbish and if a manufacturer says that to you, turn around and run as fast as you can!
Hi Atmasphere
good points you make, Raul will have a field day :-)

This also means, there is no way, but NO way, to do this RIAA circuit other then by a most tedious hand selection and soldering in/out process. In the case of your cutting lathe I've no problem, after all it the one that sets the 'standard'.

But as to phono-pres it means 'bespoke' only! --- and well that just about killed 98% of all phono-pres by then.

Food for thought...
I don't know how good the cutting equalization is...that's why I asked. Atmasphere might know.

If you can hear a 0.1 (or 0.01) dB boost over the range above or below the RIAA break frequency (1000 Hz I think) who is to say that the boost is bad? It might even compensate for error of the speaker (although 0.1 dB would not be enough to do that).

Raul...Your efforts to achieve perfection are an excellent example of overdesign. Overdesign is a common fault of engineers...I know: I am one.

Remember the saying...

"In every program there comes a time to shoot the engineers and get on with the job".
Eldartford, when dealing with calibration of a cutting lathe, the speakers are not part of the equation. To answer your question to Raul though: we are, 'we' meaning the people who make this stuff to standards like this. 'We' say its bad when there is a boost or a roll-off that does not conform to the curve. Its not a matter of over-design either. You *can* find parts that a close enough in tolerance that they will do the job.