Why is the price of new tonearms so high

Im wondering why the price of new tonearms are so high, around $12k to $15k when older very good arms can be bought at half or less?
The cynic in me says its because vinyl is trendy and you can get some really good sounding digital for a lot less if you prefer.
06-23-09: Perrew
Those are very nice arms but Im thinking of Venomous prices like twelve Grand and more.
You mean like this?
I visited an (audio) designer/engineers house/shop/showroom
last week. After an awesone vinyl demo, he took me into his shop where he was designing a new tonearm. I don't know if his arm will be $12k to $15k but looking at his gear (much of the equipment is used for making watches, ie watch lathes, etc), I can say that (1) he has spent mucho dollars on the equipment and (2) spends many thousands of hours working on his design. After listening to the arm he is convinced he will better, I would not question the price that he feels fit to charge. I may not buy it, nor do I have to, but do appreciate the investment he has made in his design, and would never criticize him or it for it. Having mentioned the watch making equipment, and being a watch buff, I must point out that there are $9,000 watches and $100,000(+++) watches. Yes, both tell time but both make very different statements.
if anyone knows how amway or avon or mary kay works...in ultra hi end, its the same thing....and yes the trade shows are like mary kay conventions with bald guys.
Hey Johnnyb53,

Thanks for the cool pic. Do you have a photo of the later upgrade model with the VTA adjustment?