Why is the price of new tonearms so high

Im wondering why the price of new tonearms are so high, around $12k to $15k when older very good arms can be bought at half or less?
if anyone knows how amway or avon or mary kay works...in ultra hi end, its the same thing....and yes the trade shows are like mary kay conventions with bald guys.
Hey Johnnyb53,

Thanks for the cool pic. Do you have a photo of the later upgrade model with the VTA adjustment?
06-23-09: Krusty2k
Hey Johnnyb53,

Thanks for the cool pic. Do you have a photo of the later upgrade model with the VTA adjustment?
It's built in. You just change the number of records under the one you want to play. Use RCA Dynaflexes for finer adjustments.
Economy of scale has to figure in here somewhere. If an auto company developed a car for a production run of 20, each one would be around $50 million. Make a couple hundred thousand and it spreads the R&D costs out to $5K per car. Companies such as SME, Graham, and Dynavector have been making tonearms for a long time and have a lot of experience they can apply to a new design for free. They're also higher profile makes who sell more copies of what they make. The price difference between a $12K Cobra and a $5K Graham may not necessarily indicate a quality difference if Graham sells ten times as many.

There's also the panache factor. If you're spending $50K on a Caliburn, many customers would expect to spend a proportional amount on a purpose-built tonearm rather than something off the shelf.
"Use RCA Dynaflexes...."

Wasn't RCA's move to Dynaflex the event that signaled the downfall of vinyl back in the day?

Nice to know they are good for something!!!