Why is the price of new tonearms so high

Im wondering why the price of new tonearms are so high, around $12k to $15k when older very good arms can be bought at half or less?
Hi Axel, BTW - nice idea with the low tire pressure......
I begin to realize that this is kind of general approach with several audiophiles.
But if it works for you/them - again... fine with me.
Personally I'd rather go for the high pressure/high performance option - but I guess we are talking personal preferences and taste again.
Many prefer indeed the more comfortable way with low pressure (= well cushioned...) performance.
May too be a matter of advanced age and increased problems with intervertebral disc....
Musing and watching.
a very good question I say.
My best guess would be: ***a good CD player*** -- no arguments about 'socks' and resonances either :-)
Hi Perrew, it certainly would depend on the cartridge I want to use/listen to.
If the cartridge of choice would be any of the Lyras, Dynavectors, Koetus, Phase Tech or similar (means : medium to high compliance - most top-flight cartridges today do belong in this group) I would most certainly go for the MAX-282 or EA-10 as these would be the most versatile 12" tonearms and both are dynamically balanced and both can handle any cartridge weight.
I would go for the 12" versions whenever possible because of simple advantage in geometry (yes,... I know.... others have other favourites and do not see the big advantage in 12" vs 10" or 9").
But I see - and hear - it.
I would always go for a dynamically balanced tonearm ( the physic advantage is again obvious and beyond serious discussion (in real world applications as well as in the theoretical - again: if others have different opinions ... fine with me, I neither want to "know" nor "learn" their point of view. That is way past me.).

So - yes, it comes down to these two very similar designs.
Not because they are vintage, but because they are the most versatile and do offer the 2 key design features I know will give superior results and sound.

Hi Axel, great idea !!
Go carry on - you are certainly on the right path.
Musing and watching,