Why is the price of new tonearms so high

Im wondering why the price of new tonearms are so high, around $12k to $15k when older very good arms can be bought at half or less?
Echoes of the "old skool" thread are coming out, and that was not the first big analog thread this year which got the magic eraser applied to it. If participants state what they state, disagree with one another, rebut once, rebut twice, then agree to disagree, we might be able to save information for posterity. Diatribes which do nothing but talk about the other person (and I realize that my last post might sound like that but I was simply posting a comment to someone else's comment; I have no particular ax to grind - though I love listening to that monologue) are what get threads deleted.
Raul, I did not have the answer I was looking for when I started this thread. The inputs I had then was I was searching for a good arm for the XV1s, you had recommended the AT1503III/IV and someone else the "Grand", theres a pretty big price discrepancy there. Also the other famous arms, the 507II, the 8c, the VIIU, the SQ all seems to be around or below 6k not to mention all the old famous Japanese, 64s/66s, 506, EA-10 etc.

So thanks to all, I think this thread is getting real interesting, different opinions just makes things more interesting, just this is not super serious politics.
"The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh" :-)
Let's see if he leaves us a bit longer with THAT thread.

Why would ANY participant post here if he has NO question?
Looking for deciples? Wrong venue!

Teres said: ~ the more I learn --- the more questions come about. Thank you for making that quite clear again.

Another wise man said: The more I learn, the more I understand I know NOTHING. (Socrates?)

Mr. Know-it-all is no welcome guest at any gathering, just the way it is.
Inferior we can nicely feel by ourselves, no need for outside help :-(
I think we are posting here, and ask questions to SHARE and not be TOLD, pompously or otherwise.

Dear Daniel,
I really like you and your passionate views and find your postings most entertaining.
For all I know, you may be right about the fact that the FR60 series of tonearms are the best that have ever been built, and I don't doubt that in your system (and those of your friends), the FR64 and FR66 beat all the other 'modern' arms in respect to your subjective preferences.
And that is the important point here Daniel, which you somehow ignore (although I suspect a little tongue-in-cheek?).
It is just your subjective opinion which is formulated by biases, preferences, likes and dislikes.
As (almost) everyone here acknowledges, there can never be a universal 'best' product or system.
If you had continued to contribute in all these Forums on the basis of 'your opinion' rather than an unarguable 'fact', you would not stir up such resentment.....but somehow I believe you quite relish this role of yours.

As an example of a similar Forum posting, look at Albert Porter's reviews on his Technics SP10 Mk2 and Mk3 turntables?
He likewise has a few friends who after listening to these turntables, sold their Walker Prosceniums, Basis Debuts, Ravens etc and bought their own Mk2s and Mk3s.
Never once has Albert issued a proclamation that the Technics SP10 Mk3 is the best turntable ever made and has never been bettered. He simply claims that it is the best he has ever heard?
Now I'm sure that you would not agree with his assessment (and that of his friends), and that would not bother him one iota.
But he would never claim that if you didn't hear what he hears, then your system is 'not up to it?'.

A little humility and vision would go a long way towards making your increasingly hysterical claims a little more balanced, and hence your obvious knowledge and experience, of greater benefit to all the readers of your posts?

You must not change your style too much (as that is part of your charm and entertainment value), but perhaps a little?

PS I never receiver that Email you promised me?
Hi Perrew,
thank you, and back to the subject.

When it comes to new tonearms, affordable ones, it seems there is the RB250, 300, plus some already more pricey mods by 'Origin Life' and then what..... ?

How helpful it could be, to have some value-added notions on any other arms, what about the JELCO range?

A lot of these pricey modern arm are 'jewels' absolutely beautifully made --- and come at a jewellers price too.

Looking for a good, down to earth, value/performance arm I'd like to know about some of these.

In this forum, this far, one can take away the opinion that e.g. an SME V is hardly to be mentioned! ~ $5 000 and below is just too unspeakably gauche. No wonder the question was: "Why are the prices so high...?"