Why is the price of new tonearms so high

Im wondering why the price of new tonearms are so high, around $12k to $15k when older very good arms can be bought at half or less?
Dear Atmasphere, I recorded - as chief executive engineer the Johannes Passion by J.S.Bach in 1986 in the Munich Philharmonic Hall with Enoch zu Guttenberg conducting the Neubeurer Choir and Members of the Munich Philharmonic.
I am very familiar with your recording of the Canto General.
I know my stuff and have followed the suggested way over 2 decades past.
Have a great weekend.
Dear Raul, relax........
And don't worry.
The world is eagerly anticipating your tonearm.
Mine won't be half that interesting to the avarage Audiophile connaisseur - as everybody knows now - thanks to Dr. Raul and his medical insight - that my hearing is set on the need for distortion.
It will still be entertaining for many to see these 2 approaches.
So - we'll see.
I hope you have a peaceful sleep - your last post directed to me have raised some concern about your peace of mind.
Dear Peterayer, the huge majority of todays tonearms is static balanced mode design and features gimbal bearings. Its a matter of economics - both in design effort as well as in financial input.
P.S.:..... we made 200 again....
Dertonarm, would you build the phonostage as well to have the full chain?
I think there is another one out there...
Hi D. --- 201!
Will you be planning to stick to "Pierre Lurné on Analogue Thoughts" geometry inputs, I ask?

The one thing with ALL arms that I cannot recall, be ONE that actually would practice those apparently most important notions.

We spoke about it before, but all I recall was, - using my own words: "Got the cap, got the T-shirt..."

So, either those principals are geometrically correct, and by that token you would ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO apply them, or it be the first time you'd deviate from your path of the ultimate tonearm-truth --- "the Via Apia straight to the centre Rome.."

Would you care to comment, without subterfuges or other deflections, -- lest that whole discourse starts to smell a lot like new-style marketing (at least to me).