If a new Top-high-end tonearm is introduced and his price tag is half of the big Continuum, new DaVinci, Air Tangent (still around ?) etc. - no one will take it seriously.
In other words: you introduce the "best universal tonearm" ( NOT my words...) to the market and put a retail price tag on it of US$3890,-.
There are hundreds of potential buyers on this planet who won't take it seriously and will not even consider buying it to test.
No matter how fancy the cosmetics - no matter if its coming in a cherished antique finish wooden presentation box with gold plated dressings.
You put a price tag of US$20 000,- on the very same tonearm and you will sell 3 dozens to the far east market (and to Russia...) in the first 3 weeks.
Why ?
Because with this price tag the tonearm does transport a huge image, status and "face" to its buyer.
This tonearm exists, I mean an actual one, made from a real clever man who tries to move the curtain for years, but from marketing aspects he is too good for this world.
I made all comparisons and when I take as a standard a piece of wood with 2 strings and a magnet which is sold for 7k today and I do a Performance (coloration, true tone, Frequency response, Set up, Alignment etc.)/Price comparison, than this actual Arm is easily worth 20K.
But you need a good System to get that result.