Why is the price of new tonearms so high

Im wondering why the price of new tonearms are so high, around $12k to $15k when older very good arms can be bought at half or less?
Btw, I forgot to tell you that in our ( till today ) two audio design teams we believe that one " route " to follow to improve " things " or to achieve the targets can do it through join/put togeter different target related talents.

Guess what?, it is working with a marvelous/great audio products and this is something that give us a real satisfaction because we are reaching almost all our audio targets, nothing more nothing less.

I understand that you can't live with our modest "sucess " but our targets are different from yours.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Raul, the one depressing thing is, that it is no fun to pull someones leg and then you see you still have to explain the sense to him.

P.S.: by the way Raul.... how about Syntax's question some posts back whether you can give some input on modern tonearms to (which was the inital question on this thread - glad to find a way back to it!)?
None at hand ?
You should - since you are working on a tonearm, you should aware of the current state of art (even if you ignore VTA.....).
I sincerely think, that todays prices for the top-flight tonearms aren't so bad. I was browsing through the price lists of the early 1980ies and we had several tonearms back then who demanded a very serious price tag too.
In adjusted buying power we were looking at several (4-6) tonearms in the price range of todays US$8k to 12k.
Serious - it isn't much worse today.
So it hasn't really changed - we had the same game 25 years back.
Dear Daniel: +++++ " by the way Raul.... how about Syntax's question some posts back whether you can give some input on modern tonearms.... "

do you think that we start our self tonearm design because we are satisfied with the vintage and today tonearms?, please grow-up the answers are in front of you.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Raul, sorry - I can see little to no answers in your system set-up. Owning and mounting dozens of mostly vintage tonearms and cartridges doesn't imply answers.
It looks rather like collecting for the joy of it.
Which is perfectly fine.

I do not think that any toenarm designer starts the project on designing a new contender for the state of the art because he is "not satisfied" with the current available.
This particular phrase is used by most, but in the end it is always the same (to quote the Rolling Stones...): we're only in it for the money.......
Which is perfectly fine too.
