More often than not I find a good vinyl copy of a record to sound better in the overall sense and listener involvement than the CD variant. But not all LP's sound great nor better than a good CD version. Nothing is 100% one way or the other but IMO again more often than not I find on my system that the vinyl record is better and more enjoyable to the CD version. Not that the CD sucks, in fact I am fine with stating that a well made redbook CD can sound very good and IMO the regular CD gets knocked around by many unfairly. Yes, the stupid loudness wars of the last decade or so has hurt the CD but but too many non-talented artists being pushed on us by the industry is worse, and vinyl or no vinyl wont make a lousy artist sound good LOL.
I have many great sounding CD's and my current CD player is not some uber high end unit. In fact it is a $9.00 thrift store find, a Magnavox CDB-586 (same as the Philips CDC-586), 1989 vintage CD changer with the generally well respected TDA-1541A DAC and the well made CDM-4 swing arm laser assembly. No, it's not as good as my best CD player I have owned, my now sold off Cambridge Audio D-300se but given I have no idea what high end (what ever that may mean) sounds like and only can give reference to my current but in my hobbyist and hard planed, well thought out, modestly priced system well CD's do sound good too. But again IMO vinyl often sounds better and more enjoyable. My Technics SL-1200mmkII with the CARDAS arm rewire from KAB USA, a Denon DL-110 cartridge and a Cambridge Audio 640p preamp is really a very impressive setup to my hearing in my room through my gear.