Basis Ovation / 2500 vs Sota Cosmos IV

Hi all:

I am looking to upgrade from a older Sota Star Sapphire and these have made my short list. (I know the Ovation is no longer available)

Anyone have experience with these ?
Basis Ovation
Basis 2500
Sota Cosmos IV

From what I hear, the Basis are very well made and machined.

Thanks in advance.
I don't think the armboards are interchangable between the Ovation and Debut, my recollection is that the Ovation's is more rectangular.

I will add that my Ovation is essentially a Debut V vacuum with the upgrades (as AJ told me at the time, the only differences would be the narrower plinth and the different, but equally effective, suspension), and the upgraded table is a better table than my stock Ovation was--much quieter background, a "bigger" sound, and no more problems with warped records (even though the Ovation's clamp was very effective).

If you have a chance to listen to one of the bigger Basis tables, you should do so. I think you might find your SOTA to be a little "livelier" sounding on rock, not sure if you'll prefer it one way or another.
I should have added that one advantage of Basis is that A.J. is a really nice guy besides being a top designer and he will take great pains to help you.
Rcprince- thanks for your comments.

Has anyone had the chance or know how a newer Basis table (say a 2001, 2500, 2800) would compare to a Ovation ?

Thanks in advance
IO - check out the Basis 2200 signature also. I will echo Ebm - service from AJ Conti second to none,