Establishing a common analog listening bias

Maybe it is possible to establish a widely accepted common ground in terms of listening bias by choosing and agreeing on 10-30 LPs all readily available new to all audiophiles for decent price.
If all listening tests and personal comments regarding the sound of components and systems in the various threads and posts would refer to any of these LPs mainly, everyones comments and experiences would much easier be understood by their fellow Audiogoners.

How about an "Audiogon baker's double-dozen"?

This would create a solid ground for all of us.

How do you think about this ?
As for Rock/Pop - most of my favorites are currently NOT available new.
One strong vote for Johnny Cash American Recording Vol. 1 (I know - its rather Country/Western....) and another for Neil Diamond: Home before Dark.
Both do have - while fairly intimate and quite records - extraordinary virtues and at least the first is already a "classic".
Both Nirvana - Unplugged and Tool - Undertow are available on LP, its no Country though:-)
D. >> "better have them inside the tent peeing out...
LBJ actually said 'pissing'. I though that was cool... :-)
It is this kind of double talk that is off putting. On one had you say 'fine with me" and on the other hand come with a smart alec comment 'pissing' quote.

The quote in itself is cool though and something to remember and practice.

May be it worth watching what follows, as Alex says.

With that said, I did not see any electronic music selection. I recommend a material with acoustic instruments in it so as form good ref ( as not many folks go to electronic music live concert).
I recommend:

Talkie Walkie by AIR

and if you really want one of the coolest sounding musical deep bass ( dub) with lot of slamming and chirping mids and high, I recommend

Steingarten by Pole (from your neck of the woods, D.)

Carry on!