Looking For More Detail

My current setup is a VPI Scoutmaster JMW9/Dyna 20X S.V. 1mv output, I am looking for more detail. What cartridge may be the answer?
Before changing carts, have you considered upgrading to the Signature arm? Also, have you optimized set-up? I made changes that, in hindsight, I wish I hadn't made before I learned how to really dial in set up. Use of the MintLP arc protractor and other things learned has made me realize that I couldn't have known how good some of my previous cartridges were. I wish I hadn't sold my Lyra Dorian, for example. Another cheap tweak is Mapleshade's NanoMount system, which I swear by.

My current cartridge is a Dynavector XX2MKII, which is all the cartridge I will ever need. My Sig. Scout has turned out to be a formidible record player, but not without optimizing set up, and a few upgrades. Just my opinion, FWIW.

Best of luck, and enjoy,
For the VPI there are a couple things that you can easily try that will give you what you are looking for.

1) better internconnect from TT to phono stage - what are you using?
2) Black Diamond Racing Scout Master support kit

The BDR kit really helps isolate the motor from the rest of the table.
the klipschorn is a full bodied overall performer...it will however extract the tiny detail that some lesser(in overall performance) speakers will.