Dynavector XV-1S impressions?

I have been a long time user of the audio note Io cartridge and recently purchased the Dynavector. I would be interested in others experience as I find this cartridge to be quite forward sounding i.e. the mid and high frequencies tend to be a bit brighter. It is very detailed and musical but the soundstage is not as deep as my Audionote.
Are my experiences similair to other users or is it my setup that is causing this impression.

How many hours on the cartridge? What's the rest of your system?

I've had and XV-1s for quite some time and wouldn't describe it as forward.
I find it lovely, and not how you describe it. You don't give any other pertinent info, but it does take a while to break in if yours is still new, and your setup may be affecting the sound. And, each time you play it, there is a small window of warmup time.
I too disagree with your impressions. I assume your cartridge is either not broken in yet, or you have not adjusted the gain and/or loading to get the most out of this cartridge.

Can you tell us what your phono stage is, along with the gain and loading settings that you are using?

The XV-1S is the absolute best cartridge I have ever heard, both in my system, (past cartridges include Koetsu Rosewood Signature, Shelter 90X), and in my friend's system, (his past and present cartridges include Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum, ZYX Universe, and an EMT, although admittedly, the last two are probably the XV-1S's equal, just with different strengths).

My two cents worth.