The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Thank's Macrojack. I appreciate the advice and the suggestions. As does my wife...well at least one of the suggestions she is on board with...unfortunately it is join the gym.

I am going to take a close look at my system, make a couple improvements in the turntable area, find out a bit more about my amp and pre-amp, definately have more music to buy as my tastes are very wide ranging, ecclectic I guess you could say - if I spelled it right - and go from there. As far as best speaker, yes as I read through this thread I can see the potential for disaster in many ways.

For now I am going to keep involved with reading and studying but maybe I can keep it at that..I do enjoy it.

Meantime I go back to the round table for a possible name change - very good by the way - and to the gym I guess.
I still am going in a circle over this Bose 901 thing. I have had at least 100 pairs of spkrs in my audio life...including 2 pairs of 901s. They were without a doubt the WORST sounding spkrs i have ever heard. I have told ppl in the past..there great for AV for the jet engines on Top cant hurt the damn things. Just never and i mean NEVER listen to music on them.
Srt6, I retain the same opinion I have had since I first heard Bose speakers compared with Advents in the early '70s. The dealer who demonstrated them for me exclaimed, "They are a real breakthrough!" I said maybe, but I will keep my Advents and any time I want to listen to elevator music, I will visit a friend with Bose speakers.
I would have to say hands down, it would be Venture speakers. The crystal clarity of the highs with it's transparency, the mids with it's life like human voicing, and the incredible slam in their mid-bass and bass. And on top of that, those beautiful enclosures!