Record Cleaning Machine RCM

My present vinyl collection consists of about 100 LPs. On average, I purchase about 3-5 new LPs per year when the annual HI-FI Show comes to town. I've always purchased new with the odd purchase coming from friends for mint condition used LPs. My analog set-up is a VPI Scoutmaster.

I've read some very positive comments concerning the benefits of using a RCM and I'm serioulsy considering purchasing one.

For the money, I'm looking at the VPI HW-16.5 but I've read posts where people are complaining about how hot the unit gets due to the lack of a cooling fan while others have complainted about the noise. Should I be concerned?

My next choice up would be the VPI HW-17 but this unit costs about 2.5x more.

Suggestions / comments?
Thanks Headsnappin and Narrod for the clarification of a manual operation.

Doug, with a few more albums and/or years of vinyl experience under your belt, you'll understand.

Just re-read Bill's post and realize I misinterpreted his use of the word "manual". I thought he was towel drying or something. One of my many youthful mistakes!

While I appreciate motored rotation of the LP it's certainly not necessary, especially for a low volume user. I totally agree that manual application of fluids is acceptable, arguably better even. I certainly wouldn't pay extra for a machine to operate a squeeze bottle for me.

Sorry for the confusion, but keep the snark coming!
If record cleaning was half as much fun as this thread has been, I wouldn't be backlogged 600 LPs right now!! :-)
has anyone ever tried any of the Hannl machines?
This here seems the all American self-congratulatory VPI 16.5 cleaning thread --- earplugs welcome, or rather a MUST :-)

In my experience the Hannl is the quietest machine this far I heard. And as far as second hand vinyl is concerned the best results I ever got with the use of that roller-brush (car wash style). Records (quite a lot) given up as uncleanably noisy have actually been made playable.
Just my 2 cents...
Axelwahl, the OP asked about the 16.5 and experiences. I've never heard of the Hannl. I'll have to check it out.
