I need a turntable, only have $450 to spare...

More than likely used. I haven't had a turntable since when I was in Germany in 1989 when I had a Denon 37F but I still have my 392 count vinyl collection. I've searched and read plenty of things but they were always with a larger budget. My budget will grow (hopefully!) in the future but I need something to get me along now as I plugged my Teac X-1000r over the weekend and it reminded me how good analog sounds.
My noisemaker goes as follows: CEC 3300R cd player, tube DAC-68, Adcom GFP-750 preamp, 2 Adcom 545 amps biamped to a pair of Wharfedale diamond 9.6 speakers, Dayton interconnects and homebrew power cables. In anticipation to my future TT purchase I got a Bellari VP-130, new but open box. With my current equipment and what I have to spend I'm not expecting a masterpiece BUT I don't want a $99 piece of junk either, just something that I can play for a while and be happy. I understand it may need to have the belt replaced, cartridge. Musically I'm all over the map but mostly Jazz (Monk, Marsalis, Coltrane) and Brit Wave (Joy Division, OMD, Smiths). Where should I start?
As usual, solid & useful responses from the members. The key word is "only" in the post. Keep in mind shipping, record cleaning supplies (very important) & proper set-up.
The fact that you are on this site generally means there is a upgrde in your future. I bought a new TT six months ago and have out-grown it in my mind already.
Good luck, it's a lot of fun second time around.
lots of good advice! I'm off this weekend so I think I'll spend it surfing. The thorens seems to be out of my range as well as a p2. I'm assuming I'm going to have to make a decision to either go without for another month or so and try to get a used P3 or something similar. What model Dual should I be looking for? I looked at a Marantz TT at a pawn shop today, looked like it was completely plastic.
What about a Dual CS 505-4? Just got a email with pics, has ortofon OMB-10 on it. Seller sez table works fine but of course I don't know the condition of the cartridge. I can have it for around 200 bucks.
If considering Dual tables, contact Bill Neumann in Des Moines. Google "fixmydual". He almost certainly has fully refubished 1200 series tables well within your budget. I recently traded in a 704 for a 701, and he may have that one still around.
With any vintage table, if you're not knowledgeable to do so yourself, I'd advise buying one that has been competently refurbished or budget to send the one you buy to such a shop. For Pioneer tables, "BC Electronics" in PA can do the work. Others may add shops they recommend for specific makes.
The newer entry level Rega/Music Hall, etc. tables shouldn't need this, so it comes down to personal choice. I like vintage, fully auto tables and top line vintage mm carts, but that's me.
I like the psx 70 from sony...pua 7 carbon arm...brushless quartz dd...very well made...500 new in the day...