what is the quietest air pump for my ET-2 ?

I am using a High Blow HP-40 air pump for my Eminent Technology 2. I do have a 15m pipe to put the air pump in another room. As i do not like to close the door all the time I am looking for a quiter air pump. Any suggestion? Thanks.
Maybe you can ask here: http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?vaslt&1097358102&read&keyw&zzsimon%20yorke
thanks Perrew but the link doesn´t work or is incomplete, may I ask you to repeat the link. many thanks
Strange it worked for me

otherwise search for Simon Yorke on System and then pick the system called Northern Lights.
ok - got it now. Big machine but looks good. The question is are you able to run it the same room . I will ask Nortern Lights. Thanks Perrew