time to change tt's

Hi everyone, I am using a michell gyro se with an Origin Live Silver with the twl mod and a Transfiguration spirit cartridge.
The rest of the system consist of a Music Reference rm9 mkll and an audio research sp9 mklll mods by Great Northern Sound with Cardas interconnects and power cable. The speakers are Vandersteen 2ce's.
I would like to upgrade the source either by upgrading my current tt or purchasing another one. I am looking for suggestions as I have no experience with another tt.
Check out the VPI Classic.. also, try other brand interconnects and power cable.
Have you guys listened to the classic.
I don't know if the arm will go yet. I
will purchase something before I part with
my current tt.
Thanks for the response.
I really would like to know more about the
classic. How about the accoustic solid?