How does one choose a phono stage.

Sometime in the future I would like to buy a seperate phono stage. Currently I am using the phono stage of my Symphonic Line La Musica integrated amp. But when I take a look at what is available is just dazzles me. There are some many brands, models and versions etc etc. Even when I limited my budget to say max $1500 there are still dozens of even hundereds I could shoose from. But before we set a budget, how do I even know how high I should make my budget. I mean my old Clearaudio basic isn't better then the build in stage of my Symphonic Line. So I should look for something of better quality, so more expensive. My turntable is a VPI Scout with Lyra Dorian cart. So even if I had the money a $5000 phono pre would be overkill.

So back to the original question, how doe one start to narrow the field. I can listen to some stages but before I need say 5 to 10 stage I would consider. So how do I narrow it down to that number.

When I think of phono stages around $1500 budget I think Nagra BPS, Whest two, Lehmann black cube with PWX, Goldenote Phono 2, Acoustech PH1, EAR 834MC, array PH3 etc etc.

So how do I narrow my search. When buying 2nd hand it become an even bigger problem, since you cannot always try before you buy. Often you have just have to buy and hope it works out.

I realy would like to buy the Nagra BPS, why? Because I like Nagra CD players, not a very sound reason but that is how it is now.

So please help me, what should I do.
I search and search and one stood out:

Jlti Vacuum State phono preamp (Just Listen To it)

I tried both tube and solid state (Jolida, Graham Slee, Belles,Cary, PS Audio (modified), etc.) before I kept the JLTI.

Do an internet search for JLTI Phono from Vacuum State, an Aussie company.

Also there is a used one for sale on Audiogon, but I am not sure about the price.
I usually stay away from tube phono stages especially when I use only low-output moving coils. Dead quiet phono stages that can take low output moving coils usually don't come cheap. I do love using tube preamp though to mix up with solid state phono.

Based upon my experience, phono stages that have separate power supply from the main chasis usually have better dynamics and headrooms thatn thos that don't. Of course, there are exceptions.

I also like those with lots of loading and gain adjustments to fine tune the sound of a particular cartridge. So far Manley Steelhead is the most user friendly as you can make adjustments on the fly.

Hope this helps. Good luck searching.
For your Dorian I really do recommend a solid state phono. The one I really liked
with my Lyra Argo (i) was the Vacuumstate JLTI and Pass Xono (there is a
disclaimer here somewhere). I preferred both the JLTI and XOno to Aesthetix,
EAR, and Sutherland. The Nagra BPS sounds like an interesting option as well.

The best way is get some used ones at a good price and live with one or two
different stages for a while. Not only does that allow you to optimize each stage
better (optimal loading and settings are very important), but it also helps in
developing your taste and discover what you like and what trade-offs you can
live with.